Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another Corgi book signing

Rosie and I had another book signing of My Name is Rosie: Snippets of a Corgi's Everyday Life in Her Own Words on Saturday at Coalesce Bookstore in Morro Bay, California. Lucky for us, the sun came out after five days of fierce Pacific storms. Main Street in Morro Bay hosts a farmers' market on Saturdays, so between that and the sunny day, lots of people were out and about. I signed 17 books, which the owner said was very good for a post-holiday signing. I was happy. I met lots of wonderful people and heard enthusiastic responses to My Name is Rosie. 
Rosie is a special Corgi. She sat patiently by my signing table for three hours - it was impossible to miss her. When people slowed to pet her, we'd talk and I'd tell them about the book. One customer, a man whose Massachusetts accent I recognized immediately, came back to my table later (after buying the book) to share with me his hopes of writing a book about Maxie, a cat he rescued as a kitten who then lived almost 20 years with the Boston Fire Department where the man worked. I wish I could remember the man's name. I hope he gets in touch with Rosie and me when he writes that book! Photo by Dennis Young. Check out his gallery at 


  1. That was such a good day! good Job Mama!

  2. Hi! You're right - we didn't make it to the signing . . . but it sure would have been fun! You look the same as ever - but the name's different! How long have you been "Kate"? I still think of you as Ruth!
